The Tenth European Congress on Music Analysis (EuroMAC 10)

20 сентября 2021 г. - 24 сентября 2021 г. | Conferences

Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory

20–24 September 2021

Meetings Scheduler, please click on the link below

Open scheduler


Download full Congress Paper here...

How to join conference EuroMAC10

The Congress is held by Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory and Russia’s Society for Theory of Music (STM), supported by all European societies of music theory and music analysis.

The International Congress is to become an important event in the area of musical analysis and related music theory disciplines. It aims to bring together scholars from many countries throughout the world. The plenary speakers will be representatives of the societies from various countries.

The Congress’s website:

How to join conference EuroMAC10

For online users:

1. You must download and install ZOOM. If you have Zoom already, please go to next section. Zoom distributive can be found here: On this page they have it for most devices include phone, iPad etc. Most time however, you will install it on desktop computer.

As an alternative, you can use zoom inside your browser, but we do not recommend it.

If you are new to Zoom, “getting started” manual can be found here.

2. After installation completes, please look for zoom meeting links inside our schedulers.

The schedulers will be published and updated here:

or here

3. Our congress will be organized in the following order:

There are 2 types of meetings:

a. Common meeting: this meeting starts every day at the same place. Zoom link will also be the same; you can go to this link every day and join.

b. Section meeting: this type of meeting will be different every day. Section meetings are organized in such a way that up to 6 meetings take place at the same time, though in different rooms. These meetings are scheduled the day before, - every meeting has its unique zoom link, you can look for this link inside scheduler table. The table is located here:

or here

during section meetings you can jump from one to another by simply switching to another zoom link as if you join a new meeting.

4. During every meeting, your microphone will be muted by default. This is because there are too many participants. If you wish to speak during a meeting, click on the icon labeled "Participants" at the bottom center of your PC screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the button labeled "Raise Hand." The same method can be used to raise your hand in a Zoom meeting on a mobile device, simply tap "Raise Hand" at the bottom left corner of the screen. The hand icon will turn blue and the text below it will switch to say "Lower Hand" while your hand is raised.

If the host gives you permission, you can unmute and talk. Please be patient and wait a little.

5. Some meetings will be translated from Russian into English on the fly. When you join a meeting, look for the small globe pic at the bottom. If there is no globe there - this meeting will not be translated. There is a choice of language. In our case Russian (original) or English.

When translation ends, the small globe pic will disappear and meeting will continue in one language in one channel.

For offline users:

All Common meetings will be in Conference Hall (Rachmaninovsky building, 1st floor).

Section meetings will be in different rooms, some in Malyi zal building, some in Rachmaninovsky building. Please see scheduler for updates.

Scheduler is updated here:

or here

If you take part in conference as a speaker and there are some files you wish to share during presentation, please send those files to us before you attend conference. All files must have appropriate names in Latin characters: section number_your name_your file number, for example: 12_Ivan_Ivanov_1 , next file 12_Ivan_Ivanov_2 etc..

Please send files to and

If by the time of your presentation, necessary files are not available, sharing those files will not be possible. Please keep this in mind. This is because there are too many participants and we simply will not have time to copy and check your files during live meetings.


Похожие события

EuroMAC10. Schedule

19 сентября 2021 г.